Weclome To Kirei Tenshi
I am Angel your hostess.
Welcome to the new and improved verison of Shingan, now kown as Kirei Tenshi. Onegai don't be alarmed your favorite fanfiction and poems are still here the page is just going through some *sighs* remodeling, shall we say! Currently I can only work on Kirei Tenshi on the weekends, hai I afraid I have something of a real life so watch for more updates.
Yes I know its been a while since I touched this place, and might bee even longer? I haven't felt the need to mess with this site! However I have been updating Chiruken's Palace at times! And I am pleased to add I have a Live Journal, (see the navigation above)add lets not forgett I have (just reccently) made a anime based LJ Community! So please feel free to take a peek, join or whatnot! It would be great to hear from some old friends!